What Women Want

It has been a well accepted truth that men are basically unaware to whatever it is that brings in females. Some reports contend that ladies are so hard to understand that even if guys master how to translate their body language, still, they just might not understand ladies, in one method or another.

According to some research studies, 3 out of 10 males are can attest that they actually understand females.

The staying 7, you ask? They are out in the haystack finding needles. This suggests that almost 70% of the men population in the U.S. competes that whatever they do, they still might not determine how to understand females.

For this reason, males are having a hard time to find out what draw in women sexually and romantically in a relationship. 6 out of ten men attest that females are so unpredictable that what they believed women are attracted to, they all of a sudden recognize in the end that it is not the ideal things after all.

For those who are still confused, dazed, and astonished on what attracts women, here is a list that might serve as your guide if you desire to understand how to catch your lady’s attention:

Females are not attracted to “nice guys”

There are instances where some men believed that in order to attract women, they should be good looking, smells really good, dress actually good, and projects a goody-two-shoes image.

What these guys do not know is that, in reality, women are more drawn in to guys who forecast “bad-boy” image rather than those who are nice. This is because many ladies discover nice guys dull and relatively dull as compared to those who are funny and confident about themselves.

Surveys reveal that 30% of ladies worth character many. This does not always imply that women prefer good personalities. What females would rather have are males who have lovable characters produced by their funny bone and self-confidence.

The point is that some medical studies done to discover the truth about females and men exposed that guys are, generally, more worried with their looks, while females are more into the character and the way males behave around women.

Females are attracted to things that can not be at first seen by the human eye

If the person is not excellent looking or he does not have an automobile, no wonder why most women would rather date a man who has good character even.

This goes to show that natural things, those that are not constrained by physical limits and restrictions are what truly bring in females. Women are more interested in what they can not see literally. This might describe personality type, behavior, and mindset.

Females are more attracted to males who knows how to handle themselves rather well

The truth is that in order to draw in women, guys must, generally, have nice attitude and character. It is only when males make ladies feel that whenever females are with them, they would feel safe and protected.

The problem with a lot of men is that they are really egoistic that they are more focused on what the general public would see them.

Surveys show that 30% of ladies worth personality most. What females would rather have are males who have lovable characters brought about by their sense of humor and self-confidence.

Women are more worried with what they can not see actually. Another example, if a particular male is popular and rich, it may hold some possible tourist attraction between the man and a woman. If the lady will be able to perceive how this man manages his financial resources well, then, that is the only time the woman will pay attention to the guy.

Offered all that, males and women view of the concept of destination varies substantially. This goes to reveal that if ever a man wishes to bring in a particular lady, he ought to reserve his own viewpoint and interest, and rather, attempt to work out in order to capture the attention of the woman.

On the contrary, women are not so much on what makes a guy but rather on how man constructs out of himself. Females are not concerned on the physical characteristics of a male however more on how the man takes care of his body.

Another example, if a specific man is abundant and popular, it may hold some possible attraction in between a lady and the male. This will not guarantee that women will choose to have the abundant and popular for a relationship. If the female will be able to view how this male handles his finances well, then, that is the only time the woman will focus on the guy.

The point here is that material things like wealth, looks, physical attributes, education, influence, power, etc., still do matter. Nevertheless, it these do not necessarily imply that these things are whatever that a man requires in order to be appealing to females.